Monthly Archives: September 2012

Greatest Political Prisoners

The world of politics is ruthless to the losers. Politicians, defeated by their components are haunted and then put in prisons. However, the most talented and charismatic of them manage to fond the ways to influence the political world even being in imprisonment.

Aung San Suu Kyi was kept under home arrest since 1990 but the reason for it was not an awful crime against humanity. This woman struggled desperately to bring democracy to her native Burma. However, she remained the leader of the National League of Democracy during the years of her imprisonment and continued to transfer the ideas of freedom and equality to the people of the country. Aung San Suu Kyi was released only in 2010 but she is still determined to continue her struggle for the democracy in Burma.

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Your Healthy Skin

Healthy skin, shining with beauty is a dream of every woman. And not only women. People are ready to pay big money and go through a lot of trouble in order to have healthy and smooth skin.

There are the following types of problems:

1.Acne scars and acne;

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Filed under Exercise and Health

Choosing a bicycle.

Finally you have decided to buy a bicycle. But do not rush into buying it without thinking. There are so many bicycles that it is really easy to get confused. First of all you should learn about the types of bicycles available today. And then choose what you want depending on your needs. Where are you going to ride it? In the countryside or in the city? Or probably both? Remember that it is really important to decide between different types. I mean it can be really uncomfortable to ride a mountain bike in the city. This type of bicycle is intended mainly for rocky trails. In case you are going to ride a bike around the town then you'd better buy a standard bicycle. At the same time standard bikes are single speed. It means that this bike requires much effort and energy to ride. Road bikes are intended for long rides around the town. So as you can see it is pretty important to find the right type of bike.

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Filed under Transportation

To What Weird Results Democracy Can Lead

Democracy gives us the right to form different political parties and participate in elections if the principles of the election campaign do not contradict the base human rights and liberties. However, some political parties can cause only shock and surprise the voters by their weirdness. It is even more surprising that some of these parties even gain considerable support and enter the parliament.

For example, in Sweden still exists the Donald Duck Party which is presented by its only member and founder Bosse Person. This Party reached the top of its popularity in 1991 when it gained 1335 voices of the voters. The provisions of the political program of the Donald Duck Party are as weird as its title – free liquor, wider pavements and higher curbs to prevent the car owners from parking in the pedestrian zone.

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Filed under Politics

7 Fun Things To Do In Sims

1. Create a simself and watch what he/she will evolve into.

2. Create two completely different sims (for example a super goody good sim and an evil one, or very clean and neat and an extremely messy one, or fat sim and healthy and fit sim) and make them live in the same house. Enable free mode and see what’s happening!

3. Invite all your enemies to a party and kill them all. There are dozens of methods: you can wait until they are all in the swimming pool and remove all the pool steps. Alternatively, you can buy a lot of rockets and wait until your guests felt the urge to play with them. When the rocket lands it starts a fire and kills everyone in the room. Don’t forget to remove the doors before the action starts.

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